Fall 2014


Neri Oxman
A new approach to Nature-Inspired Design and Egineering

Thursday 10/2/14
Ira Allen Chapel
Sponsored by UVM’s College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences | Aiken Lecture Series
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STEAMy Stuff! Make, Create, Hack + Engineer

A workshop at the Vermont Afterschool Conference

Friday, October 24, 2014

Conference Website

Jenn Karson, Vermont Engineering Initiative
A daylong immersion in hands-on STEAM activities with time for reflection and explorations in design thinking for educators and staff working with youth grades 4-12.

The Vermont Afterschool Conference is an annual event that brings together hundreds of expanding learning programs, partners, advocates, and educators from around the state for a full day of learning, networking, and celebration. The conference is a statewide collaboration of three organizations: Vermont Child Development Division, Vermont Agency of Education, and Vermont Afterschool, Inc.

Critical Making

Stay tuned for our next open discussion
Recommended Reading

Festivals and Events

The fall is a busy time in Vermont with many art + technology events.

Check out our exhibits at special events like the South End Art Hop, Vermont Code Camp, Champlain Maker Faire and Vermont Tech Jam.



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Design by Artists, Scientists and Engineers