Critical Making


Photo Credit: Steve Seremeth

Join  BCA curator DJ Hellerman (pictured above)  and artist Jenn Karson and in dialogue about Critical Making and Vermont’s place in bridging the gap between creative physical and conceptual exploration.

Selected Events:

Art+Feminism: Improving coverage of women & the arts on Wikipedia
March 7, 2015
Fleming Museum, University of Vermont

Related exhibitions curated by DJ Hellerman:

Break it! Build it!
July 25, 2014 – September 13, 2014

Taking BCA’s popular summer camp as its point of departure, Break it! Build it! is an exhibition focusing on artists who embody the DIY spirit.  Artists in the exhibition break, crush, destroy, and manipulate everyday objects to build, invent, and create their work. From altered couches to hacked iPods and installations using raw construction materials, Break It! Build It! will challenge the phrase “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” and examine the ways destruction may be a necessary component of construction.

User Required
April 12, 2013 – May 18, 2013

Innovative light and sound-focused technologies that are fueling a new generation of art “making” are the focus of this exhibition. The BCA Center is transformed into a multi-floor interactive space, showcasing experiential and customizable technologies that blur the distinctions between science, art, and technology. Each project in the exhibition will facilitate an engaging, provoking, and multi-sensory experience of contemporary art.

 Critical Making Resources:

Critical Making: Garnet Hertz

Natalie Jeremijenko

Neri Oxman
The Possibilities of 3D Printing

Neil Gershenfeld
Unleash your Creativity in a FabLab

Mitch Altman
Open Source Creativity: Hacker Spaces



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Inspired by innovation, creativity + interdisciplinary education, we're artists + engineers. Our material is technology. Feeds managed by Jenn Karson.