3D Printing Resources from Jon Bondy


Here are some resources from Jon Bondy, a Vermont Makers Meetup presenter

Jon Bondy has years of experience with 3D design, traditional part fabrication (machine shop), and now with additive 3D printing.  He combines his love of creation with his experience in electronics, firmware, software, and mechanical design to create useful and/or intriguing objects, such as guitars, kinetic sculpture, lighting systems, and science toys. If you are interested in 3D printing, please consider joining Jon and other local enthusiasts at the new Burlington 3D Printing Meetup (no experience necessary).  In addition to his interest in the Maker movement, Jon works full time for a local software company, serves in town government, and runs a local intellectual discussion Meetup.  Other interests include music (guitar, bass, drums), photography, and reef tanks.


John’s Pyramid Lamp:

Burlington 3D Printing Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Burlington-3D-Printing-and-3D-Modeling/

3D Printing Overview: http://www.explainingthefuture.com/3dprinting.html

Printer Comparison: http://blog.makezine.com/magazine/make-ultimate-guide-to-3d-printing/ultimate-3d-printer-buyers-guide/
Printer Comparison: http://www.additive3d.com/3dpr_cht.htm
Printer Comparison: http://www.3ders.org/pricecompare/3dprinters/

Solidoodle: http://www.solidoodle.com

Aluminatus: http://trinitylabs.com/pages/aluminatus-overview

Model Repositories: http://www.thingiverse.com
Model Repositories: http://www.grabcad.com

Mcor Iris (Staples) Printer: http://www.3ders.org/articles/20121127-euromold-mcor-iris-matrix-300-3d-printer.html

Glass Printing - http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2011/06/markus-kayser-builds-a-solar-powered-3d-printer-that-prints-glass-from-sand-and-a-sun-powered-laser-cutter/

Concrete Printing: http://civilisation2.org/contourcrafting/

Making Yoda: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2160974/Clever-3D-printing-Yoda-helps-explain-latest-technology-innovation.html

Inventables Store: https://www.inventables.com/

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