Champlain Maker Faire Organizing Partners Update

Champlain Maker Faire Organizing Partners Update

By Doug Webster
Making in Vermont has come a long way since a 2011 Single Pebble lunchtime discussion with John Canning, Paul Zaloom (Nickelodeon’s Beakman’s World) Ben and Jerry, Doug Webster, Bruce Seifer, John Abele, Pat Burke, and Will Raap. Making is becoming popular in libraries, schools, colleges, museums, and communities.  Jenn Karson, who formed Vermont Makers says more than 500 students, parents and librarians attended 28 STEAM/making programs last summer and more than 1700 attended talks on making and innovation.


Lucie deLaBruere and Greg Young ran multiple workshops for public school teachers on making to more than 100 from around Vermont. And, making is becoming more popular as an economic development force where viable businesses are spurred because of new low cost and accessible technologies.  New maker spaces have emerged such as Burlington Generator and in the not too distance future the Upper Valley Maker Space (White River and Claremont) and The Foundry (Lyndon/St Johnsbury) doors will be opening.  More community makerspaces are being planned in Brattelboro, Rultand, Bennington, Shelburne, and Townshend to name a few. Thanks to supporters of the Champlain Maker Faire, the fair is the catalyst that ignites interest in making statewide and beyond.

Champlain Maker Faire 2014 was another huge success, with more than 1750 people in attendance despite the rainy Saturday.  Sunday’s ChampBot Challenge went beyond expectations with 7 teams registered and a mini champ that did circles around the course (and other Champs!).  The winners included:
#1  Robots are for Kids Too….$2,500 Cash Prize
#2  Rutland Area Robotics….$1,500
#3  Jake Nealy….$500
Honorable Mention:  Team ZMR and South Burlington High School Big Picture

The Winners:  Robots are for Kids Too, Christine and Kevin Braun, Team Leaders

Thanks and Appreciation
CMF would like to thank this year’s sponsors including:  United Technologies Aerospace Systems, Pizzagalli Properties, Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies, Vermont Agency of Commerce, Connecticut College of Technology Next Generation Manufacturing, University of Vermont Office of the Vice President of Research, Meach Cove Farms, FairPoint Communications, Vermont Technology Council, FabTech, University of Vermont College for Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Superior Technical Ceramics, IEEE, DesignBook, Burlington Telecom, Chroma/89 North, Hallam ICS, Hagan Marketing, Seven Days, Summit Technologies, and 97.5 Eagle Country.

CMF also wants to thank Volunteers and the CMF Operations Team who made the event happen including:  John Cohn, Jenn Karson, Ken Howell, Jon Bondy, Bruce Cowan, Chris Davis, John Abele, Cecilia Telefus, Erin Boyd, Liz Ropi, Lorrie Sulva, Heather Morris, Joshua Jackson, Abby Peterson, Jesse Krembs, and Ara Hagan.  Also, many thanks to the makers and presenters made the event cool, entertaining and exciting.

So where does Making occur?
With making among communities, schools, libraries, homes, and workplaces what are the different types of making and makers?  The figure below helps explain.

Making is about…
1 Igniting interest of all ages to inspire, create and innovate using the newest and sometimes not so new tools, technologies, and methods.  This can occur at makerspaces in libraries, museums, k-8 education setting, families, and community makerspaces.  Maker Faire simulates interest in making.
2. Novice makers share and collaborate on solutions to complex challenges that involve open, honest, and constructive dialogue – this can occur in secondary education, career and technical education, community maker spaces, households, and in college labs and makerspaces.  Maker Faires are a catalyst for bringing makers together.
3. Advanced makers create things that have a broad appeal and can be presented in the marketplace including inventions, innovations, and applications in the commercial world.  This can occur anywhere in the Maker Spectrum however is more likely in a mature makerspace, college makerspace, or high end makerspace with state-of-the-art tools and equipment.  Maker Faire connects entrepreneurs and collaborators.

Things in the Making

Wearables Mixer at Burlington Generator, 250 Main Street, Thursday December 18 5:30pm…bring items to show and share and/or wear;


Farm and Food Tech Social Meet-up at Burlington Generator, 250 Main Street, Thursday January 15, 5:30-7:30…for farmers, food business entrepreneurs, hackers and software developers;

Creating Prosperity and Opportunity Confronting Climate Change – February 18…scientists, innovative business, community leaders will look at the impacts and potential opportunities of climate change.

2015 Champlain Maker Faire – September 26 & 27 2015 Shelburne Farms Coach Barn…same fair, new twists, new maker challenges in addition to ChampBot.  What will YOU make?



CMF National Innovation Education Institute – September 28 & 29, 2015  Burlington Hilton…new endeavor to grow making education in partnership with ASU, Purdue, Connecticut College of Technology and many others;

CMF’s Renewed Culture of Innovation TV Series – “Makers on Screen”.  Production startsJanuary 21st 2015…local makers will be interviewed every Wednesday on RETN TV. if interested in being a guest;

Create, Make, Learn Summer Institute – July 13-17, 2015  Burlington Generator…is a series of professional development opportunities for educators to experience the power of learning through creating and making.  See more at;

ArtDuino Challenge Camp – August 3-7 2015 Shelburne Farms Coach Barn…2014 supported by Cognizant Inc., Making the Future.  This year is a challenge camp with focus on ROV, Drone, Ag, Dance.  See for details coming up.

Joe Chase and mentors run ArtDuino workshop at 2014 New York World Maker Faire.

Makers Academy – UVM, Summer 2015 with Jenn Karson…experience the convergence of art and technology in engineering, contemporary art, and the DYI maker movement.  Dates TBA;

Engineering Design Principles for High School Teachers – UVM, July 11-18…Next Generation Science Standards necessitate that k-12 classes weave engineering design into their science and math curricula.

For more information, contact


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