STEM and Art & Technology Courses this summer!

Mapping_Sounds_buttonIf you didn’t get a chance to attend the Mapping Found Sounds workshop offered this past April, you can learn more from this Seven Days article. This spring workshop was a great kickoff for credited courses this summer.

For example, the  U of Vermont Fab Lab will be up and running this summer for an awesome three-week course called Innovate, Iterate, Make: The Art + Engineering of Rapid-Prototype Design. The first part will explore how innovators in engineering, contemporary art and architecture solve problems and advance ideas. Part 2 will have students learning how to design using open source hardware and programming, handmade electronics and rapid-prototyping tools! A lot of the class time will be dedicated to “Open Lab,” and students will have access to a plethora of resources and tools- how cool is that?

engineering_design High school juniors and seniors also have the opportunity to spend two weeks in the Fab Lab with our four-week Maker’s Academy (Vermont Fab Lab Workshop), part of UVM’s Summer Academy. Half the month of July will be spent on campus (housing is available) and the other half online; spend the whole month exploring how innovators in engineering, contemporary art, architecture, and the DIY maker movement solve problems and advance ideas. If engineering draft and design is of more interest to your pre-college student, be sure to check out CEMS’s Pre-Engineering Academy this summer, Engineering Design (Solid Works).

High-school students from around the state and US are getting ready to join us on campus for the Governor’s Institutes of Vermont Engineering Institute, link. From July 11-18, students will get their hands dirty with projects that explore basic and advanced engineering concepts with their peers and professional experts. At the same time, teachers will also be on campus, but as students! Learning about how to better integrate the Next Generation Science Standards into their classrooms and enhance STEM and STEAM education, teacher-learners will be participating in one of CEMS’s Vermont Engineering Initiative courses, Engineering Design Principles.





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